I took the tribe back to Pennsylvania in January. We were there for three weeks. My sister flew in and drove back with me. Bless her. The trip in went amazingly well. Even baby girl did awesome. Unfortunately Alaina came down with the flu on the second to last day and then Larissa got it once we got to PA which meant we were down for like a week. Then baby girl decided to push through a tooth and kept me up all hours of the night and would only sleep if she were next to me. Did I ever mention that her nickname around here is "Roo" because she kicks like a kangaroo? Seriously. I'd just fall asleep and be awoken by a kick to the gut. ?And to wrap it up I got sick the last week we were in. So needless to say, we didn't run around a whole lot. Which is actually okay. We spent lots of time with just my family, which is so nice. My family are some of my most favorite people in the whole world. And I don't say that lightly, because I know there are lots of families who can hardly stand to be in the same room with each other. I know it's a rare gift, and I am so thankful for it.
The trip back didn't go as smooth. It's funny how everyone is just so excited to get to the destination, but once it's time to go home, the novelty has worn off. Plus we had to drive through snow/sleet/slush in Virginia and Tennessee, till we reached Nashville. Landon probably did the best the whole trip. He never complained. He couldn't fight with anyone because he didn't have a sister right next to him. He was a.m.a.z.i.n.g. My sweet mom volunteered to drive home with us....bless her heart. She still loves her grandkids, and that's all I have to say about that! :)
So now we are home and I am still unpacking boxes from our move the week before Christmas. Yes, who moves the week before Christmas???? ?And I want to take pictures of the house so I can post them, but I haven't got around to it yet.
As soon as I posted that I felt the Lord was telling my word for the year was ABIDE, I was feeling a little leery. Because I am thinking the only way I will learn how to ABIDE is by going through circumstances that require me to ABIDE. It's like saying you will never ever do something and then 10 years later God completely humbles you when you do it! And I must say there have been incidents in my life recently that cause me to step back and ask God, "where are you in this? Are you here?" So with the move comes new routine, and I am struggling here. I just can't seem to find a daily rhythm that is working for us. I used to make meal plans and for some reason lately, everything inside of my revolts at the making of a meal plan. Yet I panic the next day if I don't know what's for lunch. (We eat our main meal at lunch because I know the farmer will be in between noon and 12:30....after that it could be anywhere from 6-9 in the evening!) I don't know why I do this to myself. Making a meal plan for the week only takes 10 minutes at the most, but I just.don't.want.to.
I am also struggling with the whole media thing. For the kids. They want to play games on the ipad. They want to watch Brady Brunch reruns on Hallmark. How much is too much? I'd rather they not at all, yet at the same time technology is part of our lives and you can't just ignore it. They have to learn how to use the computer. I am at a loss. Suggestions welcomed......
One thing I just started doing, like it's the second time, so it's still totally new....is having coffee dates with my girls. ?Everyone goes down for naps except the one whose turn it is, and we brew some decaf coffee and sit on the sofa and talk. About anything they want. If they want to play a game, we play a game. I actually got the idea from my sister who took each of my older girls out when we were in Pennsylvania. Today was an extra special day because our darling second daughter, prayed , confessed she was a sinner and asked Jesus to be her Savior! Praise His Name. I am so completely humbled and baffled that I got the privilege to witness that.
Sooo, that's a little of what's going on 'round here. How about you?
Source: http://lanne1979.blogspot.com/2013/03/yes-i-am-still-here.html
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