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Find the best term life insurance to ensure that your family is protected from financial stress when you pass away. If you want some of the most affordable and popular protection for your family, you should search for the best term life insurance today. When you die, your family will have numerous bills and expenses that they will have to take care of. Without you there to help them with these bills and expenses, they will suffer financially. If you buy term life insurance, they will have the best support that they will need to pay for anything that comes their way.
While searching for the best term coverage for your family will be very important, finding the best deal on that term life insurance will be even more important or just as important. If you want to find great deals on life insurance, you should search for your coverage online. You will be able to compare different quotes for coverage from providers in your area of the country. Simply choose the one that works best for your current budget and that offers the most coverage. You will be shocked to see just how affordable some of the best term life insurance can actually be when you search online.
When you start shopping for your coverage, one thing that you need to be aware of is who you plan on giving your death benefit to. This will not only be important when you begin filling out paperwork, but it will determine how much term life insurance you should buy. If you have a large family, you will need to have more coverage. You will have more people who will depend on the money that you are able to provide them through your term life insurance policy and your death benefit.
If you have a small family or only plan on giving your death benefit to one person, you will not need as much coverage. This will help you because you will not need to pay as much every month for the best coverage that you can find. You can afford to spend less and still have plenty of money to give in your death benefit. Before you start shopping, make sure you figure out who will be your beneficiary. If necessary, you can make a change later and decide to give your money to more or less people.
The best term life insurance that you can find will last a certain period of time. After that time period, the policy will be over and your family will not be covered. If you pass away during your policy's period of time, your family will receive your death benefit. If you happen to die after the policy has expired, your family will receive no money from the policy. For this reason, it is important to choose a term life insurance policy that lasts as long as you need it to last.
For most of the best term life insurance policies that you will be able to find, you will be able to choose a period of time that is at least five years. This will be the shortest amount of time that you can purchase your policy for. This might not be the best amount of time for you, though, so you might consider purchasing a longer plan. No matter how long you choose your coverage for, if you find that you need more coverage later, you will be able to purchase more coverage. Just be aware that it will probably be more expensive because you will be older and less healthy.
The best term life insurance time period that you will be able to purchase will probably be between twenty and thirty years. This amount of time is a popular choice for many individuals. Not only will it keep you covered for quite some time, but you will be able to still find affordable plans when you need to find more coverage. If, for example, you purchase a twenty year plan when you are thirty years old, you will still be young enough when you purchase another policy of the best term life insurance that it will not cost you too much money.
While the best term life insurance that you will be able to find today will keep you protected for quite some time, you will still need to buy more coverage later. Make sure you come back to search for your coverage when you need the best term life insurance. You do not want to go somewhere else to find your coverage because you might not be able to find as good of a deal as you will when you search online.
We are committed to helping you make term life insurance shopping simple, fast, and convenient. We will empower you with decision making tools so that you can decide which product is best for you.
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Photo: Joe Lencioni
By:?Dylan Rodgers
It?s Monday! Many of us need a special something to help us wake up today and get our week going (you know who you are), and what better way to do so than with coffee? Coffee is a, if not the, remarkable-tasting beverage with the capability of pulling people from catatonic states in the morning.? In my lifetime, I have been lucky enough to see the birth of a new methodology of coffee permeating the entire spectrum from cultivation to the brew.? Coffee has recently (within the last 10 years or so) been treated with the same scrutiny and expectations as wine, and because of this, coffee lovers like myself can indulge in its complexity in flavor, texture, and body.
Coffee, I salute you!? So in celebration of coffee?s excellence, here are some bizarre facts you may not have known:
Photo: Joe Lencioni
How often do you drink coffee?
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ANCHORAGE, Alaska?? An Alaska woman convicted of punishing her adopted Russian son by squirting hot sauce into his mouth was spared immediate jail time on Monday.
Thirty-six-year-old Jessica Beagley was given three years of probation, a 180-day suspended jail sentence and a $2,500 fine ? also suspended ? after she was convicted last week of misdemeanor child abuse. Prosecutors say she used a videotape of herself punishing the 7-year-old boy as a ploy to get on the "Dr. Phil" TV show.
Beagley submitted the eight-minute tape for a show segment titled "Mommy Confessions." She said the boy had lied about getting into trouble at school.
Story: Mom convicted of child abuse in hot sauce caseOnly on
After squirting hot sauce in the boy's mouth for lying, she put him in a cold shower for getting in trouble in school.
Beagley had faced a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a $10,000 fine. She and her husband, Gary, an Anchorage police officer, adopted the boy and his twin brother in 2008. The boys were 5 years old at the time and had spent three years in an orphanage.
Before that, their family had lived in a shack and the twins slept on shelves in an armoire. One twin adjusted to his new home in Alaska, but the other exhibited behavioral problems that included lying and urinating on the floor.
Beagley's attorney said his client turned to unconventional forms of punishment when spankings, time-outs and restricting television were ineffective in changing the boy's behavior.
Mom turned to "Dr. Phil" for help
Defense attorney William Ingaldson contended Beagley had reached out to the "Dr. Phil" show for help. The incident that sparked the videotaped punishment occurred at school.
The boy got in trouble for sword-fighting with pencils, and, his mother said, lying about it. Beagley recorded the punishment on Oct. 21, 2010, so she could get on the television show, prosecutor Cynthia Franklin said.
Franklin told the jury it wasn't Beagley's first attempt. After seeing a segment in April 2009 titled "Angry Moms," she contacted the show but heard nothing for a year and a half, Franklin said.
The show eventually called to find out if Beagley was still angry, she said. Beagley submitted audition videos in which she yelled at the boy, but producers said they needed to see her actually punishing her son, the prosecutor said.
That's when Beagley got the video camera ready, made sure there was enough hot sauce on the shelf in the bathroom and recruited her 10-year-old daughter to shoot the video, Franklin said.
Days later, she was headed to Los Angeles to tape the show that first aired Nov. 17. The episode sparked public outrage in Russia, with some people demanding the boy and his twin brother be returned to their native country.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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The Duke Wilde Band on stage at the Gympie Music Muster.
Craig Warhurst
HOME-grown country music sensation The Duke Wilde Band experienced a special side of the Gympie Muster than most of us only hear about from festival favourites like Troy Cassar-Daley.
No, not a marriage proposal. Not even a romantic encounter ? at least, not for the band?s single members.
But for Gympie?s Linc Phelps, Nick Aitken, Aaron Partridge and Jason Bray the 2011 Optus Gympie Music Muster will be one they?ll never forget.
The boys rubbed shoulders with some of Australia?s biggest country music stars, including Adam Brand (pictured) and Lee Kernaghan, with whom they shared a dressing room.
And they left a lasting impression on American country superstars Montgomery Gentry and Doc Walker.
Never letting the rain dampen their excitement one bit, The Duke Wilde Band had the advantage of playing in a covered venue, putting on three highly-charged shows in the Muster Club.
?Saturday was awesome,? Linc Phelps said.
The bass guitarist/vocalist said the band received ?heaps of good comments? from people that had seen them playing at the Tamworth festival.
?We had a lot of people in the audience that were there to get out of the rain but then it stopped and everyone stayed.?
Many braved the drizzle to stick it out in front of the Main Stage on Friday night to see Adam Brand headline and a cancellation because of illness saw Shane Nicholson take Adam Harvey?s time slot on an ?extremely wet? Saturday.
The word backstage?
The Duke Wilde Band?s Linc Phelps said the new-look Main Stage was a hit with long-time Muster entertainers, such as Lee Kernaghan and Kasey Chambers.
Comments he overheard were that the stage ?was more professional? and ?looked better? than in previous years.
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News and analysis about the hurricane.Posted Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011, at 2:13 PM ETHurricane Irene, however weak or strong it ends up being, is so large that it could affect much of the East Coast this weekend. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered New York City's first mandatory evacuations, the city's mass transit will shut down at noon, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has bluntly warned people to seek higher ground. Check back frequently for the latest from Slate.
Flying Air-Conditioners: A Minor Study in Risk Assessment
I've never appreciated advice from strangers, and I'm getting plenty of it. Email chain letters, mostly, forwarded from a guy in New Orleans or a girl from Galveston, someone who's lived through a few of these tropical storms in his or her day, and now deigns to provide a few hurricane tips for me and you and all the other friends-of-a-friend-of-a-friend on the Internet.
Read the rest of the story.
Hurricane Irene Bears Down on Northeast
Update, 1 p.m., Aug. 27: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, speaking at FEMA headquarters in Washington, said that there were no outstanding requests for federal aid from state governments, according to The New York Times. Saying coastal areas had moved from the preparation phase to riding out the impact and assesing dammage, Secretary Napolitano also said that the storm's slightly weakened status should not encourage anyone to relax about the impact.
Stay up to date on all the latest Irene developments with The Slatest.
Irene Nearly Twice the Size of Typical Hurricane
Hurricane Irene is not the fastest nor the strongest storm in recent memory. Instead, it is her size that has helped to turn her into such a star over the past 20 hours. "You only have to look at the weather maps to understand how big this storm is and how unique it is," New York Mayor Bloomberg said at a news conference Friday, "and it's heading basically for us."
Read the rest?and see more dramatic photos?here.
Disasters Can Be Good for You
They don't want to talk about it, so I will: Natural disasters can be good for politicians. For every New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, who melts down under the pressure of dealing with Hurricane Katrina, there is a Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, who stays frosty and works his White House connections to get more and more federal aid. There's an Alabama Gov. Bob Riley, who goes from being locked in a primary with Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore to basking in credit and sympathy and making his opponent totally irrelevent.
Read the rest of the post at David Weigel's blog.
Hurricane Irene Bears Down on East Coast; Conjures Memories of Katrina on Twitter
The East Coast is on high alert as Hurricane Irene churns up the Atlantic Coast. The large Category 2 hurricane, which threatens to do damage from North Carolina to New England, is triggering memories of Katrina on Twitter. Six years ago this week, Katrina formed over the Bahamas and ultimately reached Category 5, slamming New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, killing over 1,800 people and causing over $80 billion in property damage.
Watch the video at our Trending News Channel blog.
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Blending a healthy personal life with a career in emergency medicine can be challenging. Long hours, stressful working conditions and the heavy-hand of insurance companies and hospital administrators all conspire to demoralize even the most dedicated ER physician. The rate of suicide, substance abuse and divorce is three times higher among physicians of all kinds than the general population and there is some evidence these negative life experiences are even more prevalent among emergency room doctors.
This should come as no surprise. Patients usually enter the emergency room in a state of crisis. They are either admitted or released but in no sense are they ever as ?happy? or ?satisfied? as patients who leave the hospital after giving birth, for example, or are successfully treated by another specialty in a non-emergency setting. Emergency medicine physicians can either distance themselves emotionally from such pain or empathize with it, which is probably the more common approach. However, empathy carries its own risks, including negative physical effects which can accumulate over time.
So what?s an emergency room doctor to do? Common sense health tips such as getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising regularly are vital. Regarding sleep, ER doctors should make absolutely sure they are getting enough rest, even if it take setting an alarm clock to tell them when to go to bed! If these physicians are working nights, they should make sure other members of the family know they are absolutely not to be disturbed during daytime hours, when they should be sleeping. A well-balanced diet can help these doctors reduce stress and increase energy. And a regular exercise regimen should also be part of the normal routine of an emergency room physician, as physical activity has been positively associated with both physical and mental well-being.
Physical activity can also ward off such effects of aging as the loss of energy, muscle mass and cognitive ability in the older emergency medicine physician. Getting enough sleep is even more important for these older EM doctors as shift work becomes increasingly difficult after age 40. Finally, vision and hearing tests are also a good idea at this career stage.
But proper sleep and exercise are just the beginning of a well-balanced lifestyle. Other considerations include building in enough family time with spouses, kids and significant others, and ensuring a healthy spiritual life. Only when we ask ourselves such questions as ?For what am I most grateful?? or ?What gives me the greatest joy in life?? can we maintain a proper work/life balance. Some have even suggested that emergency medical doctors need to formulate some kind of ?mission statement? simply to convey in simple language what they feel is the purpose of their life. Such statements must of necessity be subject to change as our age, health and desires change over time.
What happens when these components of a healthy lifestyle are neglected? Burnout. Burnout has been defined as an erosion of engagement, emotion and team spirit with other members of the emergency department. Doctors who began their emergency medicine careers with enthusiasm, compassion and patience can gradually descend into anger, cynicism, bitterness and frustration. Instead of being attracted to their work, these doctors find themselves fearing or loathing it. Activities outside of work which were once enjoyable become increasingly less so.
But burnout among emergency room personnel is treatable ? if recognized for the mental health issue that it truly is. Emergency room administrators should be trained to recognize the symptoms and take steps to combat it. For example, they can work with emergency room physicians on arranging their schedule in such a way as to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Only by achieving this balance can ER physicians lead their own lives successfully while saving the lives of others.
? ?Source:
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After exhausting all forms of ?free money? for college, such as scholarships and federal grants, the next best thing for students are federal student loans ( to help them pay for school. Federal Stafford student loans have low interest rates and are more appealing when they feature benefits and incentives, according to NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company.
It is becoming much more difficult for some students to imagine their dream of a higher education, as college costs increasingly are on the rise along with the cost of tuition and other expenses. NextStudent believes that student loans ( should not be an extra burden to already cash-strapped college students, so the company offers incentives to make payments easier and more manageable.
. Federal Stafford loans do not require collateral or a credit check and payment is postponed until after graduation. There are no guarantee fees and students do not need a co-signer, these student loans have a low interest rate of 6.8 percent and are secured by the government.
NextStudent?s Stafford Student Loan Incentives
NextStudent has professionally trained Education Finance Advisers who know all the ins and outs of the numerous student loan programs offered. They are available to assist student borrowers with all their questions about the Federal Stafford Student Loan program. Through NextStudent?s Student Loan program, student borrowers receive:
?A .375 percent reduction on their interest rate when they make payments through Auto-Debit
?A 2 percent interest rate reduction: 1 percent after the first 12 months of consecutive on-time payments, with an additional 1 percent rate reduction after 24 months of consecutive on-time payments
?A 2 percent upfront cash rebate, whereby borrowers receive the full amount they qualify for at disbursement. Borrowers must participate in Auto-Debit and make one on-time monthly payment to qualify.
Types of Stafford Student Loans
There are two types of Stafford student loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. To qualify for a subsidized Stafford student loan a student must show financial need. The government pays the interest while a student is in school and during grace periods and deferment. With unsubsidized Stafford student loans, students are responsible for the interest; however, payment is deferred until after graduation. All students are eligible for unsubsidized Stafford loans.
Federal Stafford loans are eligible for federal student loan consolidation ( . There are no prepayment penalties. Repayment typically starts six months after graduation. In addition, there are alternate available repayment options, including deferment and forbearance.
In order to be eligible for a federal Stafford student loan, borrowers must either be enrolled at least half time in a degree or certificate program, a citizen of the United States or an eligible noncitizen, current on existing federal education loans, and a high school graduate or have an equivalency diploma.
Federal Stafford student loans are affordable and can help students get through college without the worry of paying back student loans until after graduation. NextStudent?s program offers a variety of incentives to make these student loans even more affordable and manageable. There is no reason not to take advantage of a great deal that helps students obtain their dream of a college education.
NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education lending products and services including an online scholarship search engine, low and no-cost federal student loans ( ), parent loans, private loans, student loan consolidation programs ( and college savings plans.
The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nation?s oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth .4 billion.
For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the company?s Web site at
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LOS ANGELES ? Music industry executive Frank Dileo, who managed Michael Jackson's career in the 1980s and returned as his manger in the superstar's final days, has died. He was 64.
Publicist Karen Sundell says Dileo died Wednesday morning. The cause of death was not immediately available, but he had recently experienced complications following heart surgery.
The short, portly Dileo was a colorful figure in the entertainment industry and had movie roles as an actor, notably portraying a gangster in Martin Scorsese's "Goodfellas."
A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Dileo began his career in the music industry working as a promoter for CBS subsidiary Epic Records. He signed so many stars that he was credited with catapulting the small company to the No. 2 label in the country. Jackson was at CBS Records at the time and together they worked on the phenomenally successful "Thriller" album.
In his book "Moonwalk," Jackson credited Dileo as one of the people "responsible for turning my dream for `Thriller' into a reality."
Jackson wrote that Dileo's "brilliant understanding of the recording industry proved invaluable" and described how Dileo decided to release "Beat It" as a single while "Billie Jean" was still the No. 1 song in the country.
"CBS screamed `You're crazy. This will kill Billie Jean,'" Jackson recalled. "But Frank told them not to worry, that both songs would be No. 1 and both would be in the Top 10 at the same time. They were."
In 1984, with "Thriller" soaring, Jackson recruited Dileo to leave Epic and manage his career. Dileo accepted and presided over one of the most productive periods for Jackson. He executive produced the full length Jackson movie, "Moonwalker." He also wrote, produced and negotiated a series of lucrative Pepsi commercials for Jackson. And he managed two of Jackson's concert tours ? the Victory Tour with other members of the Jackson family and the Bad World Tour, Jackson's first solo excursion which became the largest grossing concert tour of all time.
After five years together, Dileo and Jackson abruptly ended their business relationship without explanation. Dileo went on to manage the careers of other musicians, including Taylor Dayne, Jodeci, Laura Branigan and Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora. He also worked with Prince on several projects. He founded Dileo Entertainment Group in Nashville, Tenn., a company focused on launching the careers of young artists.
In 2005, when Jackson stood trial on child molestation charges, Dileo returned to his side. He would tell later of their emotional reunion. After Jackson's acquittal, they remained in touch and in the summer of 2009, as Jackson prepared to launch his "This is It" tour, the singer asked Dileo to manage him again. They were working together when Jackson died on June 25, 2009.
Dileo is survived by his wife, Linda.
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Aromatherapy sounds strange and esoteric to some people, but once you learn about it you realize that it?s quite simple and down to earth. While it performs the function of a regular household item, it takes the standard concept of an air freshener to a completely new level. Studies have proven that scents can have a strong effect on the human brain and mood, which why aromatherapy has so many advantages, some of which we will be looking at in this article.
The most elementary use of aromatherapy is as a substitute for normal air freshener and it is great for any space, from your office to your home and even your car. People typically buy products that mask odors or have citrus or other types of pleasant smells, but why not use all natural essential oils for this job? Most commercial products have the potential to cause side effects due to the fact that they are made with harsh chemicals, without a natural plant in sight. Aromatherapy, on the other hand, will not only make a room smell better, it can have a positive impact on how you feel and can even relieve certain physical symptoms, such as sinus problems.
Many will use these essential oils in the bath for relaxation.
You might even find that essential oils can relax aching muscles as well as soothe the mind after a long days work. If you want a different experience each time try experimenting with many different oils or creating your own blend. This is also a way to give your whole body the fragrance of the oil you use. You don?t have to overdo it, as a few drops is all it takes to transform your bath water into an aromatherapy session.
If you like to meditate or engage in activities that require that sort of state, like visualization, self-hypnosis, tai chi, or yoga, you can use aromatherapy to get into the right state of mind. However, it is possible that you will need to conduct some experiments to discover which oils are most relaxing to you. You can use the right fragrance to increase your concentration on a particular activity or to help you meditate, much like you do when you play relaxing music in the background.
There are many good reasons to get involved with aromatherapy. You have many choices as far as how you want to practice it, or which essential oils you want to use. There is little reason to start with something complicated. All you need to get started is a bottle of essential oil, something you prefer in terms of smell, and a diffuser of some sort. We?ve looked at some practical and interesting aspects of aromatherapy, but if you?re interested, there?s lots more to explore.
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This entry was posted on August 23, 2011, 11:22 am and is filed under Alternative. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
It?s unfortunate that lots of people get caught up in insecurities, doubts and fears. Believe that like we were holding not good enough to do the one thing they wish to accomplish. They end up comparing themselves to others and looking at other?s lives externally convincing themselves that finding yourself in that person?s shoes would mean using a better standard of living. It?s truly regrettable and sad how some people can underestimate their self- worth!
Have you been one of these people? Perhaps you have gone to a celebration and seen somebody looking totally flawless and capturing everyone?s attention, only to find yourself thinking that such a person need to have a wonderful life? Or perhaps you have compared yourself as well as your abilities to those of friends or colleagues of yours who out of your perspective appear to be doing a lot better than you in your life?
Insecurities and low self-esteem are generally the reason for individuals to feel uncomfortable in their own individual skin and have the desire to be living the lives of others around. Frequently, these insecurities get the best out of them. Worse yet, they might find yourself losing hope within their ability to improve or produce a better life experience on their own.
Although it may seem somewhat cliche, you might be actually greater off than you are allowing you to ultimately believe. Step one would be to discover your individual qualities, talents and experiences after which understand that every one of us comes with an exceptional way to excel based on our uniqueness. Once you commit to continuous self improvement PLR, you?ll eventually become result in recognize and expand your self worth along with the value you?ve in and then for society.
An easy way to get familiar with self improvement MRR is by conversing with a buddy you trust. Hire a roofer who you know will listen to you and may also give you constructive criticism about your behaviors and attitudes. A true friend can be quite a wonderful ally that offers feedback used to boost yourself.
You may also take your self improvement RR a stride further. Transform it into a habit to learn inspiring stories, self development books and personal growth material. There?s a large number of resources both, on and offline.
The last thing you want to do is see yourself as an insignificant person and compare you to ultimately those the truth is who are around you. Remember, we are all different and unique, and therefore, comparisons are pointless. Avoid petty thoughts and negative self-talk. Do not engage the tiny voice inside which tries to convince you your life would be greater if you were thinner, richer, lived in a different world or whatever pertains to your life situation. Maximize the ?you? that has been handed for your requirements at birth. Invest in work on your self-improvement to your finer qualities to shine out as the less finer qualities are increasingly being smoothed over.
Remember it?s all about loving yourself along with your imperfections. When you accept this and acknowledge that you?re striving being your best, you?ll start to see improvements and commence to feel contented with your lifetime because it unfolds.
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SAN JOSE (Reuters) ? Costa Rican authorities arrested a doctor wanted in Texas on child molestation charges on Monday, although the Central American nation's laws protect him from being extradited to face justice, prosecutors said.
German Moreno, 50, had fled Texas for his native Costa Rica while free on bond following a 2005 arrest on nine counts ranging from indecency with a child to sexual assault, according to court documents.
An investigation earlier this month by San Jose-based English-language newspaper The Tico Times revealed that Moreno was operating a clinic in Playa Carmen, a tourist hotspot on Costa Rica's Pacific coast.
Despite an Interpol arrest warrant, local police did not arrest him because Costa Rican law bars extradition of its nationals.
Moreno had previously been convicted in Costa Rica of sexually assaulting minors in the 1990s, although he had fled to the United States before sentencing. Those charges, however, had expired under a statute of limitations, barring authorities from rearresting Moreno, the prosecutor's office said.
A break came in the case last week when a 19-year-old came forward in Costa Rica and filed charges saying he had been molested at age 16 by Moreno, prompting prosecutors to issue a new warrant for his arrest, said Tatiana Vargas, spokeswoman for the chief prosecutor's office.
Investigative police agents arrested Moreno on Monday outside a residence in the northern San Jose suburb of Tibas and were expected to move him to a court in Garabito, a central Pacific region where the new charge was filed, Vargas said.
In Garabito a judge will decide whether to send Moreno to jail while authorities investigate the molestation claim.
(Editing by Tim Gaynor and Cynthia Johnston)
This story corrects the name of the resort in the third paragraph.
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